“Through training and teamwork, we found that our programming FOSTERs extraordinary LEADERSHIP, confidence, PERSEVERANCE, AND joy”.


our mission

“Empowering our young athletes to access their potential on and off the court. We teach more than the game of basketball; we are fostering leaders, their dreams and their right to education.”



Youth education comes in many forms. On the court, we are learning in different ways than we are in the classroom. Basketball is technical, fast paced, and requires great focus. Students are learning how to be a team player and appreciate healthy competition. More so, sports are a natural way to teach cooperation, patience, perseverance, self-motivation, and dedication. We also teach in a failure-positive manner. Like the famous quote “you will miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”, youth are learning that perfection is not the goal, but striving instead to learn through mistakes and continually build their skills and range. We see confidence emerge each day.. a player’s first between the legs dribble in a game, a successful assist, or a tip off won; each of these big moments will live with that player as they grow into a young adult.

Togetherness is essential to the development of a young person. The spaces we belong to grow us and support us. Positive environmental influences can help young folks develop resilience towards stress, and negative factors that are existing in their life. There is a common goal to develop your own skills and the skills of your teammate, because it’s your team. This sport can never be won solo. Basketball can be an strong outlet for those seeking community. Participation in team sports gives a young person an identity outside their family and school structure.

Heathy bodies make for healthy minds. We are activating each player that comes to the court. Getting the body moving and the blood flowing helps us all to understand the importance of physical exercise. Basketball is a fun way to blow off steam, or release energy from sitting in a classroom all day. Sports develop motor skills and hand eye coordination, which is why we offer our Grow the Game program to all ages that are ready to play.

“We we’re in it together. At the end of every practice, each player had to shoot a free throw. You make it, we rest. You miss it, we run. No one got away without a down and back sprint when you missed your shot. We ran for every player on their off days, and we celebrated every player when they made their it. It’s how we became a team. I learned more about community from basketball than I did in all other areas of high school. We we’re all responsible for the growth of our teammates and supported one another to be the best we could be, for the team.”

— Sam Schultz, power forward (#4)

PBP board president



