Phabian Mjarifu

small forward (#3)

Growing up in a rural environment and playing basketball in East Africa, a three time basketball scholarship recipient both in Tanzania & Uganda, Phabian Mjarifu began his basketball career at the age of 13 in a small town of Musoma,Tanzania. Through an inspiration from his Coach Mzee Robi who also played a great father role in his entire life, he quickly found a passion and love for the game of basketball.  Throughout his 15+ years of playing basketball, he has been generously blessed with coaches, teammates, and people that have positively influenced him both on and off the court. These great mentors, through their efforts and motivation, pushed him to excel past his expectations. These years not only taught him essential basketball skills and training, but also more importantly life lessons, such as leadership, failure, success, team work, perseverance and many more.  He truly believes that basketball has not only been a sport that he has been fortunate enough to excel at. His new focus is to pass on what he has learned through the  many years and levels of basketball game in Tanzania and Uganda.